The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 7 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info


A new version of RemedyBG is available for download in the usual place on with the following changes:

New Feature

  • Added "Auto-Discard Unnamed" toggle. When enabled, this feature prevents the modal dialog from asking to save changes to an untitled session when exiting RemedyBG or creating/opening a new session.


  • Reimplemented Output window to share code with text / disassembly views.
  • Changed cursor to a select cursor when hovering over a quick watch's scrollbars.
  • Quick watch no longer appears when hovering over the text window's scrollbar.
  • Quick watch no longer closes during a scroll operation.
  • Added pseudo-variables ($err, $handles, $tid, $pid) to context menu for documentation.

Bug Fixes

  • Corrected the bit order in the "dyb" and "dyd" formatters.
  • Fixed an issues where the quick watch window unintentionally closed when its width exceeded the main window's bounds.
  • Allowed HRESULTs to be treated as integral types for evaluation, fixing issue with binary ops and casting.
  • Fixed the checksum test for PDBs using a SHA-256 checksum.
  • Adjusted the memory window's header to account for horizontal scroll position.
