The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

Invalid array sizes being displayed

I'm having possibly a very niche problem. I am using large arrays, >4000 elements, but it looks like remedy only displays up to 1024 elements. These being member variables, remedy also displays invalid values for the other members, given that it is only reading 1024 elements before displaying the next one. I can verify that the code itself is fine, I can access and change value well over 1024 elements, but remedy still shows invalid things in the watch or hover windows.


The image shows my max array size is 4096, but arrays in the watch only go up to 1024. I'm also printing the data pointer for 4 elements of the component array: we can see they are not valid in the watch window, but are in my terminal.

Is there a simple option I'm missing to bump the max elements up, or is this something that is prohibitively resource demanding?

Rather embarrassing, but turns out it was simply an incorrect macro definition that remedy ended up revealing.