I'm using remedy for some coding practice sites and these invariably require that I have to read inputs from a testcases file. Is there a way to start a program inside remedy such that it will take the stdin from a file? I tried putting < testcases.txt
in the command field but then it can't run the executable.
I also tried putting it in the arguments like this. This works in visual studio.
Don't know about remedy, but you can always reopen stdin/out streams during debugging/development:
freopen("testcases.txt", "r", stdin);
Hello Sir !
If you have the source code of the app, you can modify your main to have a waitloop
int main() { while(!IsDebuggerPresent()); // Loop without doing anything __debugbreak(); // Trigger a breakpoint once the debugger is attached and ready ... // Rest of the app }
And run it from the terminal and then attach Remedy and it will automatically break on the __debugbreak();
ah thankyou! This solves other problems I was having too.