We are currently in the process of converting the website to the new design. Some pages, like this one, are still broken. We appreciate your patience.
321 posts / 1 project

RemedyBG is now available for download.

New features

  • Added a way to drive RemedyBG and receive notifications via named pipes.
  • Added support for 8K, 16K, and 32K PDB page sizes.
  • Thread names set programmatically via an exception or with SetThreadDescription are now displayed.
  • Added an explicit autoscroll option to Output window.


  • The watch window input box now spans the width of the watch window rather than the name column.
  • Increased the maximum length of watch window expressions.
  • YMM registers are now rendered in a single row of a watch window.
  • Focus is now preserved on the text pane after a text window is closed.
  • The working directory of a configuration when started from the command line is now the current directory rather than the executable's directory.
  • The window is now restored whenever a breakpoint is hit, or any event that would bring RemedyBG to the foreground, and the window is minimized.
  • A breakpoint's line number can now be edited.

Bug Fixes

  • The most derived field is now used when looking up a field in expression. Fixes the expectation for using the most derived structure when there are two or more fields with identical names.
  • Fixed problem where two or more column expressions could render into to the same window.
  • Fixed reported problem with JAI's Context type where the type could be resolved as a Win32 type instead due to a case insensitive lookup.
  • Fixed crash caused when using a watch expression with relative scope when the stack overflows (e.g., {*}game_state).
  • Fixed a bug where stale, cached pages of memory were being read before being refreshed in certain cases.
  • Better fix for off-screen window at startup.
  • Fixed case where line info subsections were not properly aligned at 4 bytes boundaries.
  • Now look past any modifiers of an enum's underlying type (const/volatile).
  • Fixed a bug that could cause invalid expressions in the memory window when using "Send to Memory Window".
  • The Callstack pane would not respond to mouse events if the Module column was not displayed. This has been fixed.
  • Fixed bug where "-settings" couldn't be used with other options.
  • Fixed a case where detaching from process could leave the debugger in a bad state.
  • Fixed handling of Copy/Copy Value in watch window for summaries in struct/union types.
3 posts

After launching, v0.3.8.0 thinks for a few seconds, displaying nothing, before exiting. Running in Windows 7. The last version I tried, v0.3.0.5, brings up RemedyBG window properly.

321 posts / 1 project
Replying to targrub (#26599)

@targrub, thanks for letting me know. It's possible I introduced some Win10 specific functionality since was released (Oct 2020). If you have any additional details, please feel free to email me. Thanks!

3 posts
Replying to x13pixels (#26605)

Tried emailing to a protonmail account I'd interacted with before, but no response.

321 posts / 1 project
Replying to targrub (#26612)

My apologies for not responding to your email with subject "Sorry,, I have no add'l info" right away! I'll take a look at the Windows 7 issue this coming weekend. I appreciate the report.

3 posts
Replying to x13pixels (#26613)

No problem, I just wanted to see how I could provide further info, and I wasn't sure that email account was the way to privately follow up. I've run procdump.exe now, and am seeking the proper way to get you the 86MB dump file.

3 posts

I don't see any documentation for the named pipe control in the readme file?

321 posts / 1 project
Replying to daMuzza (#26652)


At the moment, the documentation is available upon request. It will eventually be included in the official distribution. If you send me an email or a message on Discord I'll make sure you get it.