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Debugging Hot-loaded DLL

Hello all!

I've been using RemedyBG for the past few weeks and I'm having a blast with it!

I'm trying to use it with a game project that hotloads the game .dll at runtime to allow for live code editing. It's exactly like what Casey did in HMH.

I'm not having a reliable behavior when debugging, though. Most times it works fine. But sometimes it doesn't load the new symbol file on the dll. Sometimes it crashes my application when I set a breakpoint. I even had Remedy crash a couple of times.

Because of the sporadic behavior, I haven't been able to single out on repro case yet.

I wonder if anyone tried Remedy to debug an application like that and what are the "best practices" to do so.
(Like using -PDB:main_%random%.pdb when debugging the application in Visual Studio to work around the fact that it locks the PDB. I'm trying with both this flag on and off when debugging in remedy).

Thanks a lot!
Dan Zaidan

Edited by Dan Zaidan on Reason: Initial post
Sorry you are experiencing this Dan. If you are able to capture any crash DMPs I'll be more than happy to take a look. I can play around a bit with Casey's hot-loading in HH to see if any recent changes have broke something.

No problem, George! You are making a helluva complicated software and it's turning out great!

Here are the dumps:

(Luckily I was watching Jon's stream when he found that Remedy's dumps are located on (AppData\Local\CrashDumps) !)

Edited by Dan Zaidan on