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Marc Costa
65 posts
RemedyBG hangs when starting big programs
Edited by Marc Costa on Reason: Initial post
I'm trying to use RemedyBG at work with our game editor and I've found that 3.0.2 stops allocating memory for the running program just below using 800MB of memory. RemedyBG itself is still responsive, but nothing appears in the Output window (which tells me the program is not actually running anymore).

Break does nothing, and Stop Debugging (Terminate) hangs RemedyBG. I have a crash dump that I can send you, just let me know how to do so.

321 posts / 1 project
RemedyBG hangs when starting big programs
Edited by x13pixels on Reason: added "fine"
Large programs (really programs with a large number of DLLs) definitely puts a lot of strain on RemedyBG at the moment. It is definitely a high-priority item and I've made some headway on it in 0.3 but there is still a lot left to do. I've been using Unreal Editor as my test case.

As for the DMP file, any way is fine (DropBox, Google Drive, and so forth). I'll be happy to take a look when I get my hands on it.


Marc Costa
65 posts
RemedyBG hangs when starting big programs
Here are the links:
- Mini dump
- Full dump

321 posts / 1 project
RemedyBG hangs when starting big programs
Thanks! I've downloaded them.