Is there a public list of supported command line arguments? I tried looking but couldn't find one.
Here you go:
| remedybg.exe [exe-filename | rdbg-filename]
Executing remedybg.exe without any command-line parameters will launch RemedyBG with an unnamed
session. You can fill in the necessary details for launching an executable in the Session menu.
exe-filename: Specify an executable to debug. This will auto-populate the session's "Command".
rdbg-filename: Specify an .rdbg session file to load. This will reload the "Command", "Command
Arguments", "Working Directory", any files that were opened, and any breakpoints that were set.
Driving an existing instance
An existing instance of RemedyBG can be driven via the command-line. Following are the currently
supported commands and their arguments. Optional arguments are enclosed in brackets '[]'.
| remedybg.exe open-session session-filename
remedybg.exe open-file filename [line-number]
remedybg.exe close-file filename
remedybg.exe start-debugging
remedybg.exe stop-debugging
remedybg.exe attach-to-process-by-id process-id
remedybg.exe continue-execution
remedybg.exe add-breakpoint-at-file filename line-number
remedybg.exe remove-breakpoint-at-file filename line-number
remedybg.exe add-breakpoint-at-function function-name
remedybg.exe remove-breakpoint-at-function function-name