Crashing when starting debugging (0.1.9.x)

Hey, wanted to try this out, but when I try to run my game from RemedyBG (either Start Debugging or Step Into), rdbg silently crashes. Attached VS to rdbg before running, and broke on some access violation reading location 0x0000000000000000.

My game is using D3D11, I saw another thread on the forum here of someone having problems with D3D, but can't say whether it's the same problem for me (can't seem to start it up at all). Seems to be able to run my current progress in Handmade Hero fine.

Using, but also tried .4 and .2 with the same results. Itch doesn't seem to have any links to anything earlier.

Would a VS2017 minidump be useful? Could probably pack up and send you my project to check, if that would help.

Edited by Tim Green on Reason: Initial post

Would a VS2017 minidump be useful? Could probably pack up and send you my project to check, if that would help.


Sorry you are experiencing a crash with RemedyBG. A DMP file would definitely be useful. Thanks!

Hi George, I've emailed you a link to a dmp file.

I've posted a fix for this specific crash on ( I appreciate the report and the files you sent to help track this down.

Thanks for the fix! Finally got around to checking it out, and I can run my stuff! Gonna take some getting used to, but it seems like a very promising thing :)
Thanks for the fix! Finally got around to checking it out, and I can run my stuff! Gonna take some getting used to, but it seems like a very promising thing :)

You're welcome. That is great to hear.
