
Thanks for all the feedback, folks!

* Dear ImGui's INI file, along with some auxiliary files for storing window position and font
information, is now located in the current user's application directory.
* Version number in EXE now matches version in Help menu.
* Vertex/pixel shaders for ImGui are now stored as blobs in the EXE to eliminate a dependency on
* Beefed up initialization of DirectX so that RemedyBG will start properly on virtual machines.
* Fixed a crash, triggered more readily on Windows 7, when reading the PE header from an image.
* Now have the ability to set the UI font and Text font, along with their pixel sizes.
* Removed embedded font from EXE. This helps reduce the size of the EXE.

Working on the next round of fixes/enhancements...


Edited by x13pixels on Reason: Initial post
Fantastic! Thanks a lot George.

So now instead of crashing on Windows 7 I'm getting an invalid PE header error (still using my 'hello world' program).

However, the executable runs fine, I have no problem running Visual Studio debugger on it, also according to PE Explorer the signature is actually OK, so I'm clueless why it would complain about the header.
Would you mind looking into it? Let me know if you need any more info.


I was unable to reproduce this problem. Use "#include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("asdf\n"); return 0; }" and building with "cl /Fe:test.exe main.cpp /Zi". Compiler version is Version 19.16.27024.1 for x64. Any chance you could host the EXE somewhere? I'll be happy to take a look.

Thanks for the hard work.
Hey sure, will do it today in the evening if I get a chance.
But after a quick test it seems there's a difference between compiling in x64 and x86. Try recompiling with x86 to see if you're getting the header problem.

After compiling in x64 I can see the memory window populated after hitting F5, but setting a function breakpoint on main is causing a crash again. My cl is at 19.00.23918, so I'll update first and give it another go.

RemedyBG definitely does not support 32-bit targets. I'll make a note to put up a better error message in this case.

Let me know what you find with the later compiler.

I have a weird bug where only part of a source panel is updated when scrolling.

Here is a video, I had to take it with a camera because capturing with a software made the view updated properly: remedybg_split_source_scrolling.3gp. The only thing I do apart from scrolling is to maximize/un-maximize the window because it fixes the problem.

To reproduce the problem:
- On Windows 7, WITHOUT the compositor (classic theme);
- Open remedybg in windowed mode;
- Open any source file (no need to be debugging);
- Open another program (notepad in the video);
- Place the other program so it overlaps part of the source view;
- Go back to remedybg and try to scroll the view.

While typing this message I remembered that I found this because of a problem I had while trying to debug in a maximized window where the menu would no work. Here is a video of that problem: remedybg_menu_problem.3gp. It seem that just moving the notepad window in front of remedybg and going back makes the problem happen.

Also on the new version the font quality is worse than in previous builds.

Edited by Simon Anciaux on Reason: Font quality note
Thanks Simon. Dear ImGui is designed to work along side a game loop. However, I didn't want RemedyBG to eat up a bunch of CPU cycles so it drawing whenever it thinks something is "dirty". Obviously, still some issues with that. I've made a note to fix it.

For the font, the difference with the new build is that RemedyBG is no longer embedding DejaVu Sans Mono. You ccan grab it from here and use Windows -> Fonts and point to the TTF file.

I think the font are rendered differently, it was pixel perfect; looks anti-aliased now:
Hey George,

I've updated to 19.16.27026.1 and I'm still getting a crash when trying to break on Win 7.
I'll send you the binary and some other info on the e-mail provided in Help for your debugging pleasure :)

Thanks much. I got your email Krzysztof. I'll take a look!