The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

RemedyBG now live!

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Edited by x13pixels on Reason: Initial post
It's crashing as soon as I start debugging (f5 or clicking on "start debugging"). On Windows 7 64bit.

Thanks for giving it a shot Simon. Sorry it's not working for you out of the box.

Any chance I can get a hold of the executable you are using? If not, could you possibly generate a .DMP that I could look at over here? I've been testing with various binaries, including Handmade Hero, though on a Windows 10 machine.

Thanks much.
Compiled with Visual Studio 2017
cl Y:\quick\main.c -Fequick.exe -nologo -Gm- -GR- -EHa- -Oi -fp:fast -WX -W4 -wd4100 -wd4189 -wd4201 -wd4204 -wd4505 -wd4996 -FC -Fm -Zi -Od -MTd -DCOMPILER_CL -DDEBUG -DWINDOWS -DTARGET_x64 -DLOG -link -INCREMENTAL:NO -opt:ref

Thanks again. I didn't see the exact crash you pointed out but I did discover a mismatch between the release version of XED and the header files I was using -- definitely potential for a crash.

I posted a new ZIP containing the fix. Let me know if that helps out. If not, I'll be happy to investigate further.

I just tried the debugger, and it seems to work just fine. Until there is support for expressions in the watch window I probably won't be able to actively use it. However, I am excited about seeing the project develop!
Still crashing on Windows 7. I tried it on a Windows 10 machine and it was working. I tried to debug other programs but it also crashes on Windows 7.
seventh-chord: thanks for giving it a shot! The next big push is to get the watch window / inspect window parser completed.
mrmixer - I will set up a Windows 7 box for development but it won't be until later this weekend. I'll let you know what I find. Thanks!
I'm also getting a crash on Windows 7 the moment I start debugging. Also the version number under the Help tab doesn't match the release notes.

Looking forward to trying this out!

I'm setting up a Windows 7 machine right now and should have a solution for you and Simon soon.

Also, I appreciate you pointing out the Help vs. release notes discrepancy. I'll make a note to correct that!

Hey George!

I ran into the same problem as Simon. Debugger crashes with a 'hello world' program on Windows 7.

Also a small feature request if I may - can we have control over the font size? I'm running a bootcamped Windows and on a retina display the default size is minuscule.


I'll let you know what I find with Windows 7 -- should be sometime later today.

I made a note to add a font / font size option.


After many hours of setting up a Windows 7 VM and about two minutes of debugging :) I found the crash that showed up on Windows 7 (and was unfortunately suppressed on Windows 10).

Turns out that in one of the calls to ReadFile I was passing in NULL for the 'lpNumberOfBytesRead' parameter. Clear as day in the documentation it states: "This parameter can be NULL only when the lpOverlapped parameter is not NULL".

The fix will show up in the next release. I'm expecting sometime later tomorrow.

