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1 posts
Support for x86 executables

First off, I wanna make it clear I'm aware this is probably not in the cards for RemedyBG. That said, what would it take to support x86 executables in this debugger, if you care to explain?

Apologies if you've been asked this before, I searched the blog, forums, and issues, and all I could find was an issue asking if 32-bit support was possible, which had no responses and was closed by the author.

Thanks for your time.

321 posts / 1 project
Support for x86 executables

I haven't implemented an x86 debugger so it would hard to provide an accurate level of effort for supporting 32-bit executables in RemedyBG. My understanding is that the debug engine, primarily unwinding, would be the biggest piece. This would need to be mostly rewritten and would basically be another debugger. The UI and PDB pieces could probably be reused, though.

I will just have to sit down and implement it one of these days to see what I bump into so I can give a better answer.