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14 posts
The classic game dev.
Crash specific to RemedyBG v0.3.8.7 and v0.3.8.8
Edited by Scr3amer on

Hello beautiful people !

I just managed to trigger a crash specific to v0.3.8.7 and above. I tested also all previous versions available to download and it worked flawlessly.

Issue occurs when I step in a very specific function in Source or ASM. Remedy freezes and then crashes.

I will upload some repro on Github with .exe and .pdb and source. I use windows 11 22H2, with Ryzen 7900x. My toolchain is Clang 16 + MinGW + UCRT and I emit PDB with -g -gcodeview + -Wl,--pdb=

I also tested Windbg and it worked fine.

See you in a few hours with the proof of concept for the crash.

321 posts / 1 project
Crash specific to RemedyBG v0.3.8.7 and v0.3.8.8

Sorry about that! Happy to take a look once the POC is ready.

14 posts
The classic game dev.
Crash specific to RemedyBG v0.3.8.7 and v0.3.8.8
Edited by Scr3amer on

No worries, we all know how hard it is to have a stable software xD.

Here is the proof of concept: https://github.com/Scr3amer/RemedyBG-Crash-Repro

If you have any questions feel free to ask. I added some details in the readme of the github repo.

I forgot to add one point: You have to put a breakpoint in that specific file and line and then run the app with F5:


char *possibleBetterDisplayName = GetAccurateMonitorName(mi.szDevice);

And then you step in that function and it will freeze.

EDIT: I tested and it also freezes when we step in GetAccurateMonitorName.