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Gaurav Gautam
98 posts
Is there a doc somewhere that tells how to get hex display in watch window?

I seem to remember Casey Muratori showing somewhere that there is something you can add in square brackets or perhaps with a comma at the end of a variable name to see the hex display. But I can't find it anymore. Is there a doc somewhere listing the things that I can do in the watch window?

I have found the right click popup that allows me to toggle it, but I want to know if the other way is just in my head or it does exist.

321 posts / 1 project
Is there a doc somewhere that tells how to get hex display in watch window?

The README.txt file contains a complete list of format specifiers. The one for hexadecimal, specifically, is ",x" or ",X".

Simon Anciaux
1363 posts
Is there a doc somewhere that tells how to get hex display in watch window?

expression, x

To display something in hexadecimal.

Press F1 in RemedyBG to open the README.txt file which contains a list of the format specifiers (search for Format Specifiers).