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1 posts
Does RemedyBG work with Unreal?

Hi! Would be very interested to try RemedyBG, but my main use case would be with Unreal projects. Does anybody here use it with Unreal and how well does it work with medium to large sized projects?

321 posts / 1 project
Does RemedyBG work with Unreal?

There are some things that make debugging Unreal projects with RemedyBG less than ideal at the moment. The two big ones are i) natviz files for Unreal types aren't supported by RemedyBG and ii) performance issues when loading symbols for 350+ DLLs when an Unreal app starts. These will be addressed, in time, but for now the recommendation would be to stick with Visual Studio for debugging Unreal projects.

1 posts
Does RemedyBG work with Unreal?
Replying to x13pixels (#26471)

Sorry to reply in a 6-months-ago thread. Is there any news about debugging Unreal with RemedyBG?

321 posts / 1 project
Does RemedyBG work with Unreal?
Replying to wxz97121 (#29155)

There has been some forward progress on this, yes. Still a lot to be done though.

2 posts
Does RemedyBG work with Unreal?


I tried to use it with Unreal. It kinda works, but the main issue I see is not being able to step through each line of code. It steps in the disassemble window instead.

I suppose it is the same issue as this thread:


I didn't find where unreal uses the /JMC compiler option.

321 posts / 1 project
Does RemedyBG work with Unreal?
Replying to yoziva (#29465)

If you are using pre-built binaries the UE source may not be in the expected location. Check the Output window in remedybg to confirm this.

2 posts
Does RemedyBG work with Unreal?
Replying to x13pixels (#29474)

Indeed. I only tried to use it with the 10x editor. If I attach manually, open a source file, and add a breakpoint, it breaks and steps correctly.

Will try to find if I can setup 10x to setup remedy correctly.
