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21 posts
Question about Clang Macro Debug Information.
Edited by Leonardo on Reason: Initial post

I was looking at some command line options for the Clang compiler and I realized that there is a -fdebug-macro option. Is it what I'm thinking it is? Debugging support for macros? Stepping into macros? If so, is this information on the PDB's? If it is, then maybe debuggers have to implement the functionality around it. Since I have this option enabled and couldn't debug any macro yet, I assume Remedy don't support it yet. It would be very nice to see this tho (of course, assuming that it really is what I'm thinking it is).
321 posts / 1 project
Question about Clang Macro Debug Information.
As far as I can tell this only is used by the DWARF symbol output and not PDBs.
21 posts
Question about Clang Macro Debug Information.
Oh I see!