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2 posts
My 2 feature requests: hover over variables & taking a snapshot/stepping backwards in time
Edited by Eero__ on

I bought remedy to get a better debugging experience than with visual studio, but I rely on hovering over variables to see their values too much... I ended up going back to VS, I'm a bit disappointed

Another feature I really would want in a debugger is the ability to step backwards. It'd save so much time, many times I want to see what values a function returns and only after that decide if I want to step into it to see what happens inside. I always have restart the debug session and manually step my way to get to the same point I was before. I realize that it might not be technically feasible to be able to arbitrarily step backwards, but even just being able to quickly save a snapshot and then go back to that would be a life saver

Those are my 2 cents, would love to see them implemented
56 posts / 1 project
My 2 feature requests: hover over variables & taking a snapshot/stepping backwards in time
Yes hover over variables is really good for a quick look also want.
321 posts / 1 project
My 2 feature requests: hover over variables & taking a snapshot/stepping backwards in time

Both of these items or on the list of features to be implemented in a future release. My apologies if the disclaimer was not clear:

Note that this project is in development and should be considered in "early access". Just to be clear, there are certainly bugs as well as features that haven't been implemented yet. For example, the text window does not currently have any sort of syntax highlighting (though this will be added in a future version).

In later versions you can right-click on a variable name and pick "Add Watch" to quickly add a variable to the watch window. Might not be sufficient for your needs but I thought I'd mention it.

Yeah, RemedyBG is quite far from complete and doesn't have the same resources / team as Visual Studio (I am a team of one, and less then one if you account for the fact that this is a side project).

In any case, you should be able to get a refund from itch.io if you rather not wait for certain features to be implemented. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you with that!
21 posts / 1 project
My 2 feature requests: hover over variables & taking a snapshot/stepping backwards in time
I just want to mention that I'd also love to see hovering over variables since I just do it habitually now. Thanks for the "Add Watch" tip, that should be a pretty good substitute.

Not sure if this is what Eero_ was talking about exactly, but I also use the whole dragging around the current line thing a lot in VS to move backwards or to skip things. This seems like a pretty complicated thing to implement though.

Anyway, I appreciate that you're really busy, I just want to show my interest in these features. RemedyBG is really awesome so far, it's like a breath of fresh air after having used VS or VS code.
Mārtiņš Možeiko
2583 posts / 2 projects
My 2 feature requests: hover over variables & taking a snapshot/stepping backwards in time
Not sure if this is what Eero_ was talking about exactly, but I also use the whole dragging around the current line thing a lot in VS to move backwards or to skip things. This seems like a pretty complicated thing to implement though.

That's actually pretty trivial to implement - as all it it does is map line number to address in loaded binary, and sets RIP register to this address. That's it. I don't know if remebdy allows to change rip register explicitly, but if if it does - then you can do this functionality manually., simply set RIP register to code address that is before function call, and next step will do the function call.

What Ero was talking initially is to revert complete process state - all registers and all memory. So you can revert actual functionality that happened in function you stepped over - like undo "vector.erase(element)" calls. VS2017+ Enterprise editions can do something like that - on every step or breakpoint it snapshots whole state, so you can reset process to previous states at will. See links in https://github.com/x13pixels/remedybg-issues/issues/146 issue that explains this functionality.