First of all, thank you so much for Remedy!
I have not been programming c++ for long, so I can't say
that I was burn by years of visual studio drudgery, but even so,
I really appreciate working with a simple, no-nonsense program.
It's very refreshing!
I realize that this may not rank high on the list of features to implement,
but would it be possible to have a keyboard shortcut for quickly switching
between a file buffer and the watch window? I know there is ctrl+tab already,
but it's not really helpful to quickly switch between windows without the mouse.
Short of a dedicated keybinding, maybe ordering the windows listed by the
popup from most to least recently accessed, or enabling jumping to file "foo.cpp"
by typing "f" would help?...
There were some brief chats on the Handmade Discord on this topic. Definitely in agreement that the keyboard interface needs a bunch of work. Can't promise a specific date but know that it is in the pipeline!