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6 posts
Pointer dereference issue
Edited by ppbitb on Reason: Initial post

I ran into a bit of an issue today.

I was using the debugger to inspect a vector iterator. The debugger wasn't able to display the value pointed to when dereferencing the iterator.

I have been able to use this feature in remedybg for other pointers, but for some reason it didn't work here.
FWIW, visual studio was able to show the value.

I am not sure whether this is expected or not, I just thought I would bring it up.

Thank you
321 posts / 1 project
Pointer dereference issue
RemedyBG does not support C++ overloaded operators (the '*' in this case). There also wasn't any error message displayed. The next patch release will contain an appropriate error message for this. Thanks for letting me know.