Hitting "retry" on an assert from <assert.h> causes Remedy to start using tons of cpu and slow down to an unusable crawl.
Edited by TheSandvichMaker on Reason: Initial post
When I hit an assert from the C standard library, and hit "retry" to debug the program, Remedy starts using ~10 times the cpu it uses normally, slowing the whole program to an unusable degree. It also does not appear to break or jump to the assert. The program doesn't freeze entirely, I am able to get out of the situation by deliberately holding down Shift+F5 to quit debugging, at which point things go back to normal.

Any advice?
19 posts
Hitting "retry" on an assert from <assert.h> causes Remedy to start using tons of cpu and slow down to an unusable crawl.
I didn't notice a dramatic increase in CPU usage or response times but I've also noticed it not breaking to the debugger. I'll keep an eye out next time it happens.
315 posts / 1 project
Hitting "retry" on an assert from <assert.h> causes Remedy to start using tons of cpu and slow down to an unusable crawl.
This will be fixed in the next patch. Remedy wasn't properly handling the fast fail (int 0x29) exception that the C-runtime uses in its assert. Thanks for letting me know.