We are currently in the process of converting the website to the new design. Some pages, like this one, are still broken. We appreciate your patience.
Edwin Steiner
10 posts
I'm a geek, programmer, physics nerd. ~1986 BASIC on ZX81, then MS-DOS Turbo Pascal + ASM, now mostly C/C++ and Perl; twitch.tv/edwinst
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Edited by Edwin Steiner on Reason: Initial post
Thank you for remedybg! I bought it recently and I'm already enjoying it, though as expected it is still a bit rough around the edges. :-)

I just noticed that some signed variables are not interpreted as signed in the watch window: In particular I have an int8_t variable that is correctly displayed as "signed char" but the value is displayed as "255" instead of "-1". (I would attach a screenshot if I knew how to do that in this forum.)

I wouldn't mind if the debugger treated signed and unsigned types the same but it would be helpful to see both interpretations (or be able to pick signed/unsigned/both).

best regards

321 posts / 1 project
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Rough is a polite way of putting it :) I've made a note to get that corrected. Thanks!
Edwin Steiner
10 posts
I'm a geek, programmer, physics nerd. ~1986 BASIC on ZX81, then MS-DOS Turbo Pascal + ASM, now mostly C/C++ and Perl; twitch.tv/edwinst
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Thanks! BTW, using the debugger I get dozens of ideas for usability improvements and nice features. Would you be interested in the respective feedback or are you drowning in your TODO list already, anyway?
321 posts / 1 project
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Anything ideas to help improve usability / add new features would be fantastic. You can send them to my protonmail account (listed in the README). If you rather, you can add them as "issues" on the github repo. Or, post them in a new thread here. It's up to you.

Edwin Steiner
10 posts
I'm a geek, programmer, physics nerd. ~1986 BASIC on ZX81, then MS-DOS Turbo Pascal + ASM, now mostly C/C++ and Perl; twitch.tv/edwinst
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OK, I warned you about the number of wishes and ideas! :-)

I have put together my wishlist as a one-file github repo to make
maintenance low-overhead and make it hopefully convenient for you to consume:

I hope the amount does not discourage you. I admire it very much that
you took on the task of replacing Visual Studio on your own and even
more so that you already have a viable product! More power to you!

BTW, I am also working on a (potentially large) application in the "handmade"
fashion. See my twitch channel (https://www.twitch.tv/edwinst) and my videos on
YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2FDMyhLAoQM2HR8zY4m7hw)).

I'd also like to present my work on the handmade network but I'm still undecided
about how to do it best. I don't yet feel comfortable with announcing the
scope of the project or even giving it a name, so I'm not sure I want to present
it as a software project. It is quite a long-term thing. Therefore I'm thinking
about presenting my twitch channel as the handmade "product". I recently started
streaming and I show coding of functionality from scratch (currently a JBIG2
decoder, for example; also a test framework) that fits well with the "handmade" philosophy.

If you like what I'm doing, I'd appreciate sharing or advice how to present
my work.
321 posts / 1 project
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Edited by x13pixels on Reason: grammar
I expected something a bit more extensive but this is a good start. (Kidding of course). Thanks for taking the time to put that together Edwin! I appreciate it.
