The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

Any time line on when FASTLINK support will be available?

Turns out that the project I am working on uses FASTLINK, which means RemedyBG isn't very usable for that. I'd love to use this more but that is a killer for me right now.

Edited by darkdescendant on Reason: Initial post
Some comments from Twitter concerning this:

I notice that RemedyBG doesn't support /debug:fastlink. I suspect that it is not worth ever supporting /debug:fastlink. /debug:fastlink has always been problematic, and lld-link and VS 2019's linker are now quite fast, without its problems

The problem is that supporting /FASTLINK is not feasible. Many things are not supported by the DIA SDK because type information is stored in the .objs, not the PDB. And the internal fastlink PDB format is undocumented, so it would be a huge undertaking to reverse this.

That doesn't mean I won't take a look at supporting at some point. It just isn't high priority as there is still a ton of stuff to finish up first.
I'm a little confused so just to be absolutely clear,

Do the projects have to be compiled with /DEBUG:FULL to work correctly? or is it only projects with /DEBUG:Fastlink which do not work correctly.

how about just having /DEBUG?

I believe you are correct. Presently, you need to compile with /DEBUG:FULL. Partial PDBs are not supported just yet.