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2 posts
Feature Requests: (1) disassembly highlights (2) disassembly tooltips
Edited by chadbramwell on Reason: Initial post
(1) A common problem I face when debugging disassembly is tracing the movement of data across registers in reverse to figure out what was in a register and why. A second problem I commonly face is trying to figure out where a jump instruction is going.

It would be awesome if RemedyBG could figure out what "body" the cursor is hovered over (register, register+offset, asm instruction, instruction address, etc...) and automatically highlight all matches in view.

(2) Learning assembly requires a lot of looking up in manuals. It's a slow and painful process. Even if I memorized what a particular instruction does, it can be easy to forget the ordering of parameters, and important side-effects of the instruction.

It would be awesome to show a tooltip for a selected asm instruction and/or a quick link to more information.

Thanks for your willingness and tenacity to write a debugger! I hope it's fun and lucrative enough for you to continue!
321 posts / 1 project
Feature Requests: (1) disassembly highlights (2) disassembly tooltips
(1) A common problem I face when debugging disassembly is tracing the movement of data across registers in reverse to figure out what was in a register and why. A second problem I commonly face is trying to figure out where a jump instruction is going.

It would be awesome if RemedyBG could figure out what "body" the cursor is hovered over (register, register+offset, asm instruction, instruction address, etc...) and automatically highlight all matches in view.

(2) Learning assembly requires a lot of looking up in manuals. It's a slow and painful process. Even if I memorized what a particular instruction does, it can be easy to forget the ordering of parameters, and important side-effects of the instruction.

It would be awesome to show a tooltip for a selected asm instruction and/or a quick link to more information.

Thanks for your willingness and tenacity to write a debugger! I hope it's fun and lucrative enough for you to continue!


Thanks for the great suggestions. I've made a note that captures your ideas.