We are currently in the process of converting the website to the new design. Some pages, like this one, are still broken. We appreciate your patience.
321 posts / 1 project
Edited by x13pixels on Reason: Initial post
Latest set of enhancements / fixes to RemedyBG are now available for immediate download.

* Fixed problem where memory window would always become the topmost tab.
* Added better handling of watching local variables for Clang generated PDBs
* Add handling for case where a forward declaration of a struct/union in the PDB file does not
have a separate, unique name (Clang)
* Better handling of PDBs generated from cl /ZI
* Fixed a glitch where dragging the mouse over the application menu would inadvertently select text
in a text/disassembly view.
* Can now select columns in the callstack window
* Added "Last Known Caller" column to the threads window. This shows the function name of the last
known function in the call stack.
* We now preserve format flags for a locked variable in watch window.
* Disassembly will now auto-scroll to center when approaching bottom
* Added smooth scrolling in text window when scrolling to center
* Added "Go To Line", initiated with Ctrl+G, for text windows.
* Fixed a regression with handling of EXE+arguments when launching RemedyBG from the command line

3 posts
I get this window on a Windows 7 machine:

321 posts / 1 project
I get this window on a Windows 7 machine:

Asertions in Dear ImGui got inadvertently enabled in a release configuration (probably when I updated ImGui source). I've posted a fix for this as

Thanks for letting me know!

3 posts
Edited by pulpbag on
I'm not sure if this is just me, but my Window > Style settings have reverted back to the original (or some other configuration?). Also, changing the font size does not seem to work anymore.
321 posts / 1 project
I'm not sure if this is just me, but my Window > Style settings have reverted back to the original (or some other configuration?). Also, changing the font size does not seem to work anymore.

Based on your previous error message it seems like your font file cannot be located for some reason. This might explain why changing the font size has no effect.

Are you able to read/write to the folder %APPDATA%\remedybg? If not, then then the default settings would be used as you are seeing.

If you are indeed having problems with the default settings directory, again %APPDATA%\remedybg, you could specify the folder to the settings directory on the command line using
remedybg --settings C:\your\settings\folder
though that shouldn't be necessary, normally.
3 posts
Thank you. It was a missing font issue.