The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

Watch window can't display certain integral values when casted.

In this snippet of code:
 for(u8 i = 33; i < 127; i++) { ... } 

The iterator is going through all printable classical ASCII characters.

If i try to look at the character currently used in the watch window I'll have to cast the variable to char. Doing so produces the error in the Value column. Casting from the pointer type works correctly.

(char)i    -> Expected integral or floating point type
(char*)&i  -> 0x000000040B054F670 "!"
*(char*)&i -> !

Edited by Lorenzo on Reason: Initial post
In this snippet of code:
 for(u8 i = 33; i < 127; i++) { ... } 

The iterator is going through all printable classical ASCII characters.

If i try to look at the character currently used in the watch window I'll have to cast the variable to char. Doing so produces the error in the Value column. Casting from the pointer type works correctly.

(char)i    -> Expected integral or floating point type
(char*)&i  -> 0x000000040B054F670 "!"
*(char*)&i -> !

I've updated the open Github Issue with your example. Thanks for the additional information.