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19 posts
Adding sources via command line? (instead of a gui)
Edited by SIMPalaxy on
Is this possible? If so I don't know how. And if not I would appreciate it being added as a feature, similar to the command and working directory options. Similar to Martin's request, being able to ask for these files to be opened from the outside would be fantastic.

(Side note, the main reason I want this is that running Remedy in Wine works just fine for cross-compiling. Surprisingly enough, stepping through assembly and all works without a hitch so far. If you use clang it will output usable pdbs and codeview debug information. However a few imgui things seem to not be compatible. But to clarify I am not asking for general Linux support.)
321 posts / 1 project
Adding sources via command line? (instead of a gui)

This feature is certainly something that can be built and, as you've mentioned, it has been requested by other folks as well. No promises on when I'll be able to implement this specific feature but most likely within the next couple of releases.


19 posts
Adding sources via command line? (instead of a gui)
Thank you for your hard work on RemedyBG! I await the new releases. :D