We are currently in the process of converting the website to the new design. Some pages, like this one, are still broken. We appreciate your patience.
321 posts / 1 project
Edited by x13pixels on Reason: Initial post
RemedyBG is now available for download at the itch.io site.

* Fixed crash in application breakpoint handling in cases when two or more breakpoints resolve to
the same location
* Added recent session list
* If the target is not running, Ctrl+F10 will now launch the target and then run to the current
* Exception text is now written to the Output window
* RemedyBG will take focus upon an exception in the target
* Added hotkey Ctrl+Shift+X for breaking application
* Added support for bitfields in watch window
* Fixed correlation of symbol / line information in certain cases
* Expression parser enhancements
* Added address operator ('&') for getting an address of a variable
* Supports casting between different pointer types
* Adds format specifier to allow specifying number of array elements
* Fixed modal function breakpoint dialog's font

Instant watches (quick peek of values via tooltips) just about made it in but I was having some trouble with the UI side of things (an auto-size issue, some flickering and so forth). Should make it into the next release given these things are addressed.

17 posts
The maximization issue I previously reported still seems to be present: If I maximize the debugger and then close it, it will be the same size as my screen but not be maximized when I reopen it. I'm running win8.1, in case that is relevant.

I'm excited about the new version though!
Simon Anciaux
1363 posts
I didn't test it for a long time but there seem to be a problem with the recent file menu where if I launch RemedyBG from a different working directory it doesn't resolve the relative path correctly (which seems normal). Maybe that menu should always use absolute paths ?
321 posts / 1 project
The maximization issue I previously reported still seems to be present: If I maximize the debugger and then close it, it will be the same size as my screen but not be maximized when I reopen it. I'm running win8.1, in case that is relevant.

Thanks, man. Still on the list. I just haven't gotten to it yet.
321 posts / 1 project
I didn't test it for a long time but there seem to be a problem with the recent file menu where if I launch RemedyBG from a different working directory it doesn't resolve the relative path correctly (which seems normal). Maybe that menu should always use absolute paths ?

Good catch. I'll get that fixed.