We are currently in the process of converting the website to the new design. Some pages, like this one, are still broken. We appreciate your patience.
Niklas Lundberg
4 posts
Full-game developer.
BUG: Don't place imgui.ini in current working dir (where I launched the remedybg exe from)
Edited by Niklas Lundberg on Reason: Initial post
It will litter the filesystem, and also affect other programs with that default behaviour of "dear, imgui".

Is this the place for bug reports? :-)

321 posts / 1 project
BUG: Don't place imgui.ini in current working dir (where I launched the remedybg exe from)

Bug reports are fine here.

I'll get the imgui.ini issue fixed. Will probably have the user explicitly save/restore window layouts and stop Dear ImGui from writing anything out.

Thanks much.

6 posts
BUG: Don't place imgui.ini in current working dir (where I launched the remedybg exe from)
I think what datgame is suggesting (and I agree) is that imgui.ini should be in the remedybg/ .exe folder and never in the user's exe-being-debugged folder.

You can redirect the filename to an absolute path if needed.
You can also use the memory functions to read/save .ini data from memory and read/write it back however way to want, but using imgui.ini should be good enough in this case.
321 posts / 1 project
BUG: Don't place imgui.ini in current working dir (where I launched the remedybg exe from)
That makes sense. Thank you Omar!